Snake Plant 20cm

Sansevieria trifasciata

They don’t call it a ‘snake plant’ for nothing-this Sansevieria trifasciata is one hardy houseplant that refuses to be ignored. Its tall, striking leaves bring sculptural drama to any room while barely batting an eyelash at dim lighting or sporadic watering. Talk about resilient. Despite its tough persona, this mother-in-law’s tongue injects a lush, tropical vibe that elevates your space. And the best part? NASA scientists say it’s a superstar at purifying indoor air. So go ahead and breathe easy, because your new plant is a natural at removing toxins and requires next to no attention. Neglectful green thumbs, this one’s for you. With this low-maintenance beauty, you’ll get all the greenery with none of the guilt. Consider it the plant equivalent of a self-cleaning oven.

$49.45 inc. GST

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