Blue Chalksticks (Mandraliscae) 14cm

Senecio serpens

Introducing Mother Nature’s quirky creation: the blue chalkstick plant. This Senecio/Curio variety sports thick, blue-green stems that resemble colourful little fingers or miniature batons. It’s a living optical illusion masquerading as a houseplant. With their easygoing care requirements and built-in drought tolerance, these curious succulents let lazy gardeners skip the guilt trip. Just find a bright, sunny spot and watch them thrive on your occasional attention. Tired of the same old boring greenery? Infuse your space with a botanical curiosity that doubles as a conversation starter. After all, guests won’t be able to resist asking about those funky blue “stick figure” plants you’ve got growing there. Embrace your eccentric side and add a pop of quirky colour with the chalkstick plant.

$12.25 inc. GST

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